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The leading training and development community for Financial Services, Fintech & IT executives and those in leadership roles

Industry leading courses & programs

Financial services, fintech, IT & leadership focussed

All programs & courses are specific to financial services, fintech, IT and leadership.

Courses & programs created by industry leaders

All programs & courses have been developed by active industry leaders & executives in FS, Fintech & IT.

Proprietary learning frameworks

Our bite-sized, cohort learning delivery method ensures you actually digest & learn new skills & capabilities.

Membership access

Nicer members have free access to select paid courses depending on their membership level.

A proprietary learning framework

Traditional corporate learning material and days typically goes in through one ear and out the other and is not designed with your future in mind. With Nicer, we ensure you are learning the right material for you.

Identification of learning goals

Utilise the Nicer platform to identify your learning and development gaps for your future aspirations.

Attend 'Lecture' style webinar 

Courses & programs are broken down into bite-sized chunks. Attend a lecture one week, and then review it the following.

Refinforce learning with cohort group chats & seminar review sessions

After you have attended your lecture, we review key leaning takeaways with a cohort group and a seminar discussion.

Managing Change - Projects & Programmes:  Empowering Executives to Ensure On-Time, On-Budget and Delivery of Business Objectives

A Masterclass designed for Executive to learn what best practice project and programme management and executive governance looks like based on real world experience.

Building a High Growth Businesses

A Masterclass designed for Executives to learn about the operating practices of High Growth Businesses and the areas of development that can significantly accelerate performance.

Leaders & Leadership Capabilities – The Power of Communication and Language to Effect Change

A critical and interactive leadership Masterclass designed to empower leaders with the communication skills needed to transform culture.

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