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Nicer Academy

The leading training and development community for Financial Services & Fintech executives and those in leadership roles 

Putting development at the heart of your success

The most up-to-date sector specific content. Developed by industry leaders. Delivered in a scientifically backed way.

Content created by industry leaders

All courses & programs at NicerAcademy have been developed by real industry experts with up-to-date knowledge and expertise that has been verified by Nicer

Sector and leadership focussed

NicerAcademy content is specific to both the Financial Services & Fintech sectors as well as leadership focussed content

Proprietary learning framework

Traditional courses and development content do not measure their impact and influence on your every day career. With NicerAcademy you learn, reinforce and measure the success of your education.

Membership access

All NicerAcademy courses & programs are available for purchase. Nicer members have free access to select paid courses depending on their membership level. Transform members can access all of NicerU content for free.

How does NicerAcademy work?


Identify your development gaps

Nicer provide our members with a unique data-driven platform that gives them the insight & tools to identify what they need to learn to develop their capabilities and achieve their career aspirations. 


Attend a 'lecture' on your course

Courses are broken down into short bite-sized learning modules. Each week a lecture is delivered by a relevant industry leader and then the following week, those learnings are reinforced with a cohort seminar. 


Reinforce that learning with cohort seminars

After each lecture, reinforce your learning by attending a cohort seminar with 10-20 other executives on your course. Through practise and feedback with your peers - you solidify your learnings through practice and continuous 1-2-1 validation.

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Managing Change - Projects & Programmes:  Empowering Executives to Ensure On-Time, On-Budget and Delivery of Business Objectives

A Masterclass designed for Executive to learn what best practice project and programme management and executive governance looks like based on real world experience.

12 week course
(Free for executive members)

Invest in your future

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